Anatomical Studies


Oil on canvas. 36″x48″. June 2013. Concordia University.


Oil on canvas. 12″x48″. June 2013. Concordia University.


Oil on canvas. 36″x36″. July 2013. Concordia University.


Oil on canvas. 48″x48″. July – August 2013. Concordia University.


Oil on canvas. 36″x48″. August 2013. Concordia University.

Accordion Book

Accordion Book
Accordion Book
Accordion Book

Hard cover, digitally printed accordion book. Concordia University. 2012.

Everything’s connected in there, our body, much like the pages of this book. And we’re connected out there on the internet, with the people we talk to and the languages we speak.

I love cold stale medical textbook drawings. If only I was apt enough to become a doctor. Instead I went to art school.



Photo Digital Intaglio. Concordia University. 2011.

What do you call it again when you work on something, in this case a copper intaglio plate, then exchange it with someone and you work on their image while they work on yours? Ya, that’s what this was…



Intaglio. University of Manitoba. 2009.

Softground print. No etched hand drawn lines. Multiple plate print.

I was dating a smoker of many things who was constantly coughing up a lung in sheer discomfort. I wish him freedom from phlegm and asphyxiation. Light as a feather on a crisp, cool breeze.